Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good Euroleague and Turkish League Starts

Last Wednesday we kicked off the Euroleague season with a win over Teo Vilinius from Lithuania. It wasn't exactly a pretty win but we pulled it out in the 4th quarter and won by eight points. Our complete team (minus our injured point guard) had only been together for a few days at that point. My old teammate from Stanford, Nicole Powell who is also on my team, was still fairly jet lagged but played well for us. It has been great seeing her and playing with her again. I can't believe that was 5 years ago that I last played with her! We have quickly caught up on old times though checking out all the local cuisine and hang out spots together.

We also won our first Turkish league game against Burhaniye pretty handily. They are one of the worst teams in the league so Nicole and one of our other "older" players sat out that game to rest up for our Euroleague game tomorrow against a team from Slovakia. I'm actually in the Vienna airport right now awaiting that flight. I'm still considered young in this profession but Nicole at only 25 is a seasoned veteran so my time will come!

1 comment:

Barb Volk said...

Hey there, Kristen!! Am glad for the opportunity to catch up on all your news via this blog; so happy that I can peek into your athletic endeavors this way. Looks like you and your team are doing well this year!! Congrats!! And what a nice reunion for you and Nicole Powell!! It makes it so much fun to explore Turkey with a former teammate and friend. Much love from afar!! Love, Aunt Barb