Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy election day!

As much as this election has been hyped it feels like a holiday today! It is quite a historical election however, so very deserving. People here in Istanbul are aware of the election too. From the teammates, coaches, and friends I have talked to they seem to want Obama.

So we've had a few games since the last post. In Slovakia, we lost the game by 8 just in the last couple minutes. We came back to tie in the 4th quarter and then let them bust a couple of threes. That was a hard one as we definitely should have won. Euro league is tough on the road though, especially in Russia where we played the winner of the league for the past two seasons. To say this team is good would be such an understatement. They have an all-world team and it's not a good idea to get off to a bad start against a team like that. I'm too embarrassed to say how much we lost by so if you want the score you can look it up online:) We came back to win 2 Turkish league games, however. Our first one was against my former team, Botas. They have 4 or 5 of the same players so it was good to see them, but we handled our business and beat them by 20. Our last game was in Mersin against my former coach who switched teams from last year. He is also my national team coach and having played for him for a year I knew that his team would be scrappy and would play hard and smart. It was a close game and came down to the wire but thanks to a key defensive rebound and a couple of free throws we pulled it out and won by 5 points.

It's back to Euroleague play tomorrow. We will play a team from France here in Istanbul. They have yet to win in our pool, but every team is good so we will still have to play tough.


Barb Volk said...

Hey there, Kristen!! Been traveling some (only in the States) but am back online to wish you continued success on your Turkish team. Your Uncle Pete and I are due to have some of the Berger family here for Thanksgiving so we have been getting ready for that. We are so anxious to see all of the extended family over Christmas in northern Indiana!! We hope that it works for you to join us as well. If so, travel safe and we will see you very soon!!

Love, Aunt Barb

Barb Volk said...

Hey there, Kristen!! Been traveling some (only in the States) but am back online to wish you continued success on your Turkish team. Your Uncle Pete and I are due to have some of the Berger family here for Thanksgiving so we have been getting ready for that. We are so anxious to see all of the extended family over Christmas in northern Indiana!! We hope that it works for you to join us as well. If so, travel safe and we will see you very soon!!

Love, Aunt Barb