Sunday, November 4, 2007

First Game

We had our first game yesterday against Besiktas here in Adana. They are the 2nd ranked team in the Turkish League. We ended up losing by 13 which was actually pretty good considering how poorly we shot. We were convinced there was a lid on the basket. But everyone who plays basketball knows there will be games like that so we can't worry about it too much. We actually got a pretty good crowd. Not quite as many as Stanford games, but they were just as noisy. They chant the entire game. Maybe someday I'll figure out what they are saying. We play Thursday against an Israel team. When we play a team from Turkey, it is part of the Turkish League and when we play a team from another country, it is part of the European Cup. So it's sort of like two different seasons going on at once. Only a select few teams do this.

After the game I came home and was able to listen to Stanford's exhibition game on the internet. They won handily and it was exciting to hear everyone doing well. They have big tests against great teams coming up and some of them will be on television so my handy slingbox will be put to work.

I'm sure family in South Bend, especially Papa, are unhappy about ND's loss to Navy yesterday. I was actually video chatting with my brother during the game and he turned his computer to the screen so I could see the last few plays. Speaking of chatting, Skype is great if you want to actually talk to me. Just download it and add my skype name (kristennewlin) and you can directly talk to me if your computer has a microphone. And if it has a video camera you can actually see me too.


Anonymous said...

Shut up Kristen, no one cares.

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself, anonymous #1. There definitely are some who care.
So what made you tune in in the first place, loser?
From anonymous #2