Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be thankful for this year starting with my family and friends and all the people who haven't forgotten about me even though I'm across the world!:) I'm thankful for being in a great situation in Turkey with great teammates. I'm also thankful for the technologies that keep me from getting homesick like video chat, e-mail, skype, etc. I don't know what I would do without that connection to all my loved ones back home. And my mom also told me I should be thankful for my slingbox that I am able to watch American television on. Thanks mom! It wasn't quite the Thanksgiving I am used to over here. I had no turkey, yams, ham, or pumpkin pie and I appreciate all of you that felt it necessary to tell me all the delicious foods you were eating or planning to eat. And even showing me the food over video chat! I made myself so excellent potato soup though.

We also had a Euro cup game against Cheveka, a Russian team. We won! It felt good to get our first Euro Cup victory. It was a great game and everybody played really well. There's nothing like winning when you're not supposed to! We turn around and get back into Turkish league play this Sunday against our cross town rival, Ceyhan.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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