Monday, November 26, 2007

Heading to Israel

We had a Turkish league game against Ceyhan on Sunday and beat them by almost 30 points! This was a huge win because we are even in the standings and now are a game up on them. This team had beaten us a couple of times in the preseason so to come up with such a huge victory is great for our team. We will see just how much we have improved when we take on Fenerbace next Sunday here in Adana. They are the number one team in the league with a couple of WNBA all-stars on their roster so we will definitely have our work cut out for us.

But first we travel to Tel Aviv, Israel on Wednesday to take on the team we played last month for Euro Cup play. There are 4 teams in each pool of Euro Cup and we play each team twice, both home and away. They beat us last time, so we are eager to take them on once again. I'll only be in Israel for a couple of nights, but I'll try to soak in as much of it as I can. I wish we had more time to just see the city, but we are there to play basketball so I'll take what I can get. You can check the stats and results of the Euro cup games at and the turkish games at

It's almost December, so that means it's finally starting to cool off. On some days, especially in the middle of the day I can still get away with just a t-shirt and shorts, but the mornings and evenings I will be in my sweats. I need to get an umbrella soon too as it has rained a few times. It's pretty comparable to Stanford weather so at least that part hasn't taken much to adjust to.

Hope everyone is recovered from their Thanksgiving meals!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog regularly and really enjoy hearing about the new experiences you are having. I think often of how much I enjoyed my simple life and experiences at your age - at that point in time, I don't think I could ever have imagined living in Turkey - or for that matter even traveling there! Best wishes to you and your team mates!

Steve Smurthwaite